Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

The National Theatre of Greece at the Fast Forward Festival | From 14 to 17 November Dresden, Germany


We are pleased to announce that the National Theatre of Greece is participating for the second time as a partner in the Fast Forward Festival and Forum held by the Staatsschauspiel Dresden in Germany from 14 to 17 November.
Fast Forward is a European Festival for young directors that takes place every November and features work by artists who are still at the beginning of their careers. Through the Forum, it also opens a dialogue on the challenges facing theatre makers in Europe today.
For four days at the Forum, a group of students, young artists and experienced professionals will attend the productions involved in the festival, meet their creators, and share opinions and experiences. This year’s participants come from 11 member organisations of the European Theatre Convention (ETC). The National Theatre of Greece  is represented by Konstantinos Glykantzis, a third-year directing student at the NTG School of Drama.

Further information is available here

Latest updated: 13/11/2024

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