You’re all invited to this live event! Get ready to rock, grab a drink from the bar, check out the venue, and dance till you drop.
Jeo Pakitsas and Sofia Priovolou direct the most unexpected live event of the season: the last ever appearance of the singer Jessica Brown, which will be talked about for years after her death. Punk rock’s finest hour comes to an end as Jessica is buried on stage in front of the audience in a unique show that will be the final chapter in the history of an iconic band. The big moment is coming. Tension is mounting. But where is Jessica? Why hasn’t she arrived? What do we really know about her before she makes her last world appearance at the National Theatre of Greece? The band’s problems surface as it seems that they might be waiting forever. Waiting for the lead singer, we look through the keyhole at the band members making their own decisions about the future, each revealing their true colours. A complete guide to self-destruction for the self-absorbed.
Drinks from the theatre bar may be taken into the auditorium during the event. Special discounts will apply for audience members.
General Admission| €13
Student/youth (up to 28 years of age)
€10 (not including premium seats)
Wednesday| €10 (not including premium seats)
Thursday – Sunday| €13 (not including premium seats)
every day (not including premium seats) €5
(every day) €5| disabled companion €5
Large families
every day |(not including premium seats) €10
Entrance for drama school students, members of Greek Actors Union, and Theatre Studies Students is free (does not apply at weekends).
On bank Holidays, weekend prices apply.
Restricted view seats €10
Early Bird | 10€
NTG box offices are closed on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
At NTG box offices (Ziller Building & Rex Theatre)
Debit or Credit cards may be used at NTG box offices and
at TIcketservices, online purchase of tickets: Tel: 210 7234567/ Ticketoffice: Panepistimiou 39 (Pesmazoglou Arcade)
Experimental Stage-Emerging Artists - REX THEATRE- STAGE "KATINA PAXINOU"
Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday | 21:00
Duration: 105'
Special thanks to Stella Karapouliou for her contribution on special effects
During the performance, there will be used strobe lights
The production is not recommended for under-18s.
creation team
Jeo Pakitsas
Original concept, text, director -
Sofia Priovolou
Original concept, text, director, video design -
Sophia Eftychiadou
Dramaturgical advisor -
Gary Salomon
Music -
Giorgos Chanos
Music, sound design -
Dimitris Mairopoulos
Set design -
Elektra Stampoulou
Costume design -
Giorgos Valsamis
Associate to video design -
Panagiotis Lambis
Lighting design -
Konstantinos Sakoulas
Directing assistant -
Konstantinos Koliousis
Hair design -
Olga Faleichyk
Make up design