Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Bâton salè

Conceived by Evdoxia Androulidaki in collaboration with Maria Filini

Live interviews in a light atmosphere

From 07.01.2024

Experimental Stage-Emerging Artists - REX THEATRE- STAGE "KATINA PAXINOU"

Evdoxia Androulidaki and Maria Filini invite us for a final visit to the Bâton salè living room, in the last of this series of “live interviews in a light atmosphere", in which they talk to women they admire and ask them a series of questions about their careers, their choices, and how they intersect with what is happening in society, in an effort to get to know them better and discuss some of the issues that concern us.

This Sunday, 28 April, our guest at Bâton salè is journalist Eliza Triantafillou, who was born in Athens in 1980. She accidentally studied Economic Science at the Athens University of Economics and Business and by chance started working as a financial writer for the newspaper Kyriakatiki Eleftherotypia in 2004. In 2010, she was the first to copy the American satirical website "The Onion" in Greece. Since 2019, she has worked as a journalist on the independent current affairs website insidestory.gr


With a guest appearance by Gogo Papaioannou.





General Admission 8€

Special Prices

  • Unemployment Card: All days €5
  • Persons with Disabilities (daily & weekends) €5 - Companion €5

Coordinators: Evdoxia Androulidaki, Maria Filini



28 January: Elena-Olga Christidi (with a guest appearance by Antonis Antonopoulos)

4 February: Eva Stefani (with a guest appearance by Antigone Frida)

3 March: Clio Papapantoleon (with a guest appearance by Vasilis Vilaras)

31 March: Kassandra El Najjar (with a guest appearance by Vasilis Safos)

28 April: Eliza Triantafillou (with a guest appearance by Gogo Papaioannou)



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media galleryphotos by © Theofilos Tsimas

Bâton salè

Conceived by Evdoxia Androulidaki in collaboration with Maria Filini

Live interviews in a light atmosphere

Experimental Stage-Emerging Artists - REX THEATRE- STAGE "KATINA PAXINOU"

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