Official statement of the National Theatre of Greece
Today, Thursday February 9th, 2023 the Board of Directors of the National Theatre of Greece held a meeting with the Artistic Director of the institution. On December 28th 2022, we put forth a statement regarding concerns that had arisen from the official admittance of the Presidential Decree 85/2022; it was our mutual agreement to emphasize that we would support any organized collective institutional expressions rising from the Artistic Community that would potentially prolong the negation of the fields value. Our statement also affirmed that we participate alongside this very essential public dialog in well-defined synchronicity.
1. Up until today, the solutions that have been presented by the State are insufficient and do not serve to cure the downgrading of higher Artistic Education. We call for a severe consultation in relation to this legislative process, scaled in two chronological moments:
For one, we call for an immediate amendment explicitly related to the Presidential Decree 83/2022, clarifying that following an Educational Practice in the Performing Arts grants Educational merit in a category higher than that of a high school diploma, namely that it is associated with that of an Undergraduate Degree; this may even anticipate the fashioning of a newfound category in higher education, (like for example, higher education explicitly serving Artistic Practice) that would be equated to that of an Undergraduate Degree, that would be analogous to other fields of practice.
Secondly we call for a mid-term passing of the legislative framework of the sublimination of Artistic studies through establishing additional College based courses in the Performance Arts Practices that would expand Artistic Education on a University level.
2. The Drama School of the National Theater of our county is but a mere reflection of the collective agony of the theatre community as a live organism; even at the cost of the suspension of its duties. The courageous, collective resignation of the instructors of the Drama School of the National Theater serves to highlight the reasonable demands of the sector; all this despite attempts to discredit the importance of this circumstance. Once the institution is restored to a functioning form of operating the instructors are expected to resume their practice.
3. The symbolic occupation of the buildings of the National Theatre by Theatre Students and other Artists, serves a formidable function. Insofar as its disposition remains peaceful, the National Theatre deems it reasonable not to interrupt in any way the unity of the Theatre and boarder Artistic community. Today we launch into a dialogue with the artistic community (we are in fact in constant institutional consultation with the Student Association of the Drama School of the National Theater) in an attempt to deescalate the burdening the current events have caused and to justly incorporate their requests in a united institutional proposal that the National Theater intends to submit to the State. Our aim is an efficient and smooth arrival to the operation and duties of the National Theater.
This moment calls for sober, well refined and articulate communication of the demands of the Artistic community, via a statutory processes put forth by the various Unions. The National Theatre of Greece will take the lead in this crucial process.
ERSI PITTA- Vise President
Latest updated: 25/04/2023